Friday, February 4, 2011

Noisy Baby Toy

This is one of my favorite baby toys from when Camilla was little. A baby actually has to put a little effort into making the toy make noise, unlike the more sophisticated toys with batteries which will play some little ditty over and over again with just the push of a button.

One of Camilla’s favorite was a caterpillar (known as a “catter-pitter” and a “pitter-catter”) which taught the alphabet. It would say individual letters and sounds, but also sang the alphabet song (over and over and over . . .) Oh well, annoying as it was, I kind of liked the “pitter-catter” also.

For the current Illustrator assignment we needed to create an assembly drawing to show how to assemble, use, or repair a piece of equipment. My instructor says if he sees another iPod drawing he’ll scream, so I decided to have a little fun and draw this baby toy.

Hopefully this toy is intuitive enough to learn without instructions (as all baby toys should be), but to fit the requirements of the assignment, instructions were added.

1 comment:

Jeff King said...

A noisy baby toy can help a baby learn one of the five senses. Sound of course.